Sunday, March 8, 2009

snippet- La primera semana

On pages 114 and 115 I noticed that Marjane is walking down the staircase to get to her "hideout": the basement. However, in watching her descend I noticed that as she gets closer to the bottom of the staircase the stairs become further away and appear smaller.I am not entirely sure on the meaning behind the illusion of the staircase, but expading on the idea brought up last class that on page 116, where Marjan is seen walking out and presumed to have walked through a battle, perhaps the stair case shows how that, because the basement is her "hideout" perhaps having the battle in what we presume is the basement indicates how the War is becoming reality in the way that it becoming close to home. The reason behind believing the battle shown in the basement indicates how the war is becoming close to home is that the basement was Marjane's "hideout" and showing a battle in her "hideout" indicates how it can reach anyones safeplace; safeplaces are being suffocated and destroyed. No one is safe from war, there is no safe place to go physically or mentally.

- Bhanesha

Literary feature hunt- La primera semana

On page 126 there is a juxtapostion between how the mother "[doesn't] look very happy" and is "unreconizable" in her passport picture with her veil on. The image and text communicating the effects of the veil is juxtaposed to how the veil could potentially effect a wide range of women in the Iranian commmunity; when forced to wear the veil. This panel is effective in indicating how the veil made women "unreconizable" through the fact that the major purpose of a passport is to prove identity. In saying that Marjane's Mom is "uncreconizable" in her passport photo shows the potential consequence of dehuminization of women forced into wearing the veil. How do women create a sense of idividualism when forced to wear the veil?

Ok just one part of the book that I htink looks weird is on the top of page 74. It was a flashback about a time when Marjis mothers car broke down, so Marji and her dad had to pick her up. In the first panel, Marji and her father are in the car waiting for her mother. The transition to the next panel stood out at me as if they mistakely drove the car into Marji's mother. After reading the third panel on the page, i realized that I had made a mistake.

feed back - La primera semana

When Ms. Brownrigg came in to talk about about Perseoplis, I thought the most intesting comparison she made about graphic novels was stating that between thes 1940s and '70s "comics were treated like pornography." The fact that people would put graphic novels or, "comic books", on the same level as people naked and pressumably, being explicity sexual is almost borederline hilarious. Yet, the fact that graphic novels have become extremely acceptable in todays society, to the point where we are studying one in class, is one example of the rapid evolution of tolerancen and acceptablily in society. In Persepolis the evolution of society is seen through the graohic novel, yet in what we would cotansider reverse order.


class act - la primera semana

When being introduced to Persepolis the general comments about the graphic novel really set the tone for what is to come. During the Feb 25th class our discussion ranged from how the graphic novel portrays the importance of religion to the question: can a communist dictatorship ever crush culture or sub culture? to how the art represtents ideas the text does not. I think the diversity of the range of questions not only indicates the complexity of this graphic novel but also the complexity of our class as a whole. When studying a work such as perseopolis it allows people to shine in thier own right as the work allows variety of angles to be analysed. The difference between the variety of ways to analysis Persepolis comapared to 1984 is the fact that the art within the graphic novel, athough related to the text, is a complelty independent form of communiction. I think that the effect of having two differnent forms of communication: text and drawing, compared to just text in 1984, allows people to approach the work in a different way and perhaps, allows people who conncect more to art to share thier perspectivng in a more indepth way then if we were studying a work soley based on using words as communication.
- Bhanesha