Sunday, March 8, 2009

feed back - La primera semana

When Ms. Brownrigg came in to talk about about Perseoplis, I thought the most intesting comparison she made about graphic novels was stating that between thes 1940s and '70s "comics were treated like pornography." The fact that people would put graphic novels or, "comic books", on the same level as people naked and pressumably, being explicity sexual is almost borederline hilarious. Yet, the fact that graphic novels have become extremely acceptable in todays society, to the point where we are studying one in class, is one example of the rapid evolution of tolerancen and acceptablily in society. In Persepolis the evolution of society is seen through the graohic novel, yet in what we would cotansider reverse order.


1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Bhanesha! Very profound comments here. Seems like sexuality in literature is an interest for you: keep looking at this topic as we continue this course. Well done.
